Pastor Jeremiah Martin
Born and raised in Lancaster County, Jeremiah served with his wife, Shaelagh, as a missionary pastor outside of Paris for 15 years before being called as Conestoga's lead pastor in 2021. In addition to pastoring, Jeremiah has also spent time teaching in a variety of contexts, first in Chicago and then in France. He is motivated in ministry by a deep belief that the Word and the Spirit of Christ are already "making all things new," and that we are invited to join God in that newness. Jeremiah is a graduate of Moody Bible Institute (BA, Pastoral Studies), Wheaton College (MA, Theology), and the University of Paris-IV (MA, Comparative Literature). He enjoys reading, playing guitar, and spending time with Shaelagh, their two teenage daughters, and Samwise the Dog.
Ministry Council
Empowering our CMC guiding values
Marilyn Beam - Director of Christian Education
Madison Petersheim & Rebecca Beam - Director of Fellowship
Kristy Unruh - Director of Missions
Jeremiah Martin, Pastor - Director of Shepherd Ministries
Lyle Essick - Director of Stewardship
Rachel Mast - Director of Worship
Pastoral Team
Providing protection, correction and direction (policy and vision).
Jeremiah Martin - Pastor
Carol Moss - Elder, Vice-Chair
Josiah Stoltzfus - Elder, Deacon Elder
Dan Mast - Elder, Chair
Merle Weber - Elder
Dave Johnson - Elder
Greg Petersheim - Elder
Jerry Petersheim - Elder
We can’t wait to meet you!
We encourage members to know and follow Jesus in life; and we invite God’s Holy Spirit to flow through us to benefit others.
And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever—the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you.
John 14:16-17